Latest News

29.09.2019 / Main Category

First completed block in Lansdowne Place

23.09.2019 / Main Category

Crown Square – the largest mixed-use development in Galway

14.08.2019 / IE News

National Heritage Week 2019

21.06.2019 / Main Category

Thinking big with Leeside drive

21.05.2019 / IE News

Committed to precision delivery

21.05.2019 / Industry News

The completed extension to O’Reilly Hall in UCD stands glorious in the summer sunshine.

03.04.2019 / UK News

Double win for JJ Rhatigan at prestigious Irish Construction Excellence Awards 2019

23.03.2019 / Main Category

JJ Rhatigan supports the CIF Ireland Skills Live in the RDS

19.03.2019 / Main Category

Gardens International – A stunning blend of conservation and new construction in the heart of Limerick city.